
Archive for the ‘Motivational’ Category

Your Thoughts and Feelings Really DO Create Your Experience in Life

4277070_e74fihk0xaixqga9pb4ij7zshof3vysz.mediumSomeone once said, “I wouldn’t give a dime for simplicity this side of complexity. But I’d give anything for simplicity the other side of complexity.”

What does that mean? It means there is a lot of trial and error along the path of getting something right. It means that all things are difficult before they are easy. It means there is divine wisdom, intelligence, and SIMPLICITY that emerges through the process of complexity. It means in the beginning there are infinite choices and possibilities, and in the end there is only one.

Through the process of engaging some creative endeavor we learn what works and what doesn’t. And over time, through experience, we can come to see the essence of something; its essential simplicity. Life is like this.

In the beginning there are so many voices, choices, options, and paths; some conscious, some unconscious, many conflicting. We are launched into this life and boy can it look complicated! Then, through a process of trial and error, we discover what works and what doesn’t, for us in our life. Our basic instinctual nature leads us towards things we like, and away from things we don’t like, towards things that work, and away from things that don’t.

In my life I have come to realize, know, and experience that my thoughts and feelings create my experience in life. Can it be that simple? Well, yes, and no. Yes, because this IS how it works. No, because there are so many complicating factors that hide this simple truth, that make it look otherwise than it is. Let’s look at a few of the most significant ones.

You might say: If my thoughts and feelings create my experience in life, then why when I think and feel that I have $1 million dollars, does it not appear? Well, it does appear – OVER TIME. Time is one of the complicating factors. Often we just aren’t ready to experience something we’ve asked for; more growth and preparation are necessary for us to truly have it. Then, when we finally get what we asked for, we forgot that we even asked for it! We lose the link to the initial request, desire, and intention – to our thoughts and feelings that started the creative cascade. And once again it looks as if our thoughts and feelings are not creating our reality.

Which leads us to the second complicating factor: what you are thinking and feeling doesn’t typically instantly appear in your life (although it can). Instead you are shown the steps for creating it. Going back to our example, if you authentically think and feel your ownership of $1 million dollars, you’ll be shown the steps – typically just the next one – towards its creation. Once you ask for something, and think and feel its existence in your life, PAY ATTENTION. What typically show up next are the path and steps that will create and bring this experience into your life.

And finally, there is the big kahuna of complicating factors, our SUBCONSCIOUS beliefs. By definition we’re unconscious of these beliefs in our subconscious, hence they can “get in the way” of our conscious creative thoughts and feelings – AND WE DON’T EVEN KNOW IT. This can be very frustrating and causes most people to give up on their dreams, on their creative path.

You see, our thoughts and feelings ARE creating our reality, it’s just that the ones doing the creating are the ones lodged in our subconscious – the ones we have been accepting and reaffirming as true about ourselves since childhood. In the beginning, and until you transform them, the beliefs established early in life will usually be more powerful than the ones you chose yesterday.

Transforming these subconscious limiting beliefs is the MOST IMPORTANT work you can do, and is typically the work that no one wants to do; it can be scary, feel uncomfortable and unpleasant, and be confusing and hard to do. However, it is the most powerful, valuable, and essential work for anyone wanting to create the life of their dreams. And it’s totally doable, especially with a guide or a coach who has the tools and experience.

So you see, your thoughts and feelings really DO create your experience in life, it’s just that there are a number of complicating factors that get in the way of our realizing this truth. These complicating factors are not insurmountable; in fact, I designed my coaching system to help people address them.

Try this:

It’s easy to identify your subconscious limiting beliefs. If you want to know what thoughts and feelings are currently creating your life’s experience, try this:

1) Identify something you really want, but do not currently have. It can be anything. Write it down on the top of a piece of paper.

2) Next, ask yourself why you don’t have it? Listen carefully to all that comes up and write them down on the same sheet of paper. Take a look at each one. As real and justified as these things may seem, they are the beliefs you have about yourself, your life, and perhaps life in general, that are keeping you from having that thing that you want.

If you really want to have and experience whatever you wrote down in number 1 (and you CAN have it), then examining and transforming the beliefs (reasons, excuses, etc.) that came up in #2 is an essential step on your path.

Congratulations – you’re one step closer to good mojo!

About the Author

Roger Kenneth Marsh is a Spiritual Life Coach & creator of the Major Good Mojo System. He has an engineering degree, MBA, is a Certified Life Coach, HeartMath® Provider, and Passion Test® Facilitator. Get his book “NexGen Human” on, and FREE CD “3 Keys to Major Good Mojo” at

Categories: Motivational

The Success Process: How To Eat A Hairy Knuckle Sandwich For Breakfast

4181507_d99r8xihelhaaatzmolvcedefy6sxujr.medium“Whoever told you the process of success was quick, easy or even fun, lied to you.” – Darren Hardy, CEO Success Magazine

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it.” – W. C. Fields

The Success Process

This applies strictly to those of us who have previously gone through the inner-success process. Meaning we have done the hard work of improving ourselves holistically to the point where we are strong and wise enough to make it through the outer-Success Process if we just know how it works.

Let’s begin.

The Success Process starts with the Imagination Phase. We have an idea, vision or dream of some sort. It could be a new business, a novel project within an existing business, a different career path or a work of art of some sort.

It’s something that resonates deep within us and generates excitement.

It’s bigger or different than anything we’ve done in the past, but we believe we can do it.

We believe this because we have the perfect combination of high hopes, fantastically high levels of self-confidence and complete ignorance as to what exactly we’re getting ourselves in to and just how excruciatingly painful it will be.

So far so good.

If whatever goal we’re trying to achieve is something outside our expertise, the process moves in to the Preparation Phase. Here we learn everything we can in every way we can about this new thing.

We seek out a mentor, read books, go to seminars – the whole shebang. We immerse ourselves in this new world. If we don’t get overwhelmed and drown in the ocean of knowledge we get to move on.

Next we proceed to the Action Phase where we take concrete action toward our goal. This inevitably requires us to overcome a fear of some sort. If nothing else, a fear of the unknown.

If our goal is to start a new business we begin creating the product.

If our goal is to write a book, we begin writing.

And so on.

Once we’ve gone out on a limb and taken somewhat of a blind step of faith, something genuinely amazing tends to happen: we have some sort of immediate success.

It might be big; it might be small. Whatever it is, it’s always significant.

If we’re working on a new business, maybe the product just effortlessly comes together and it’s mind blowing. Or we score a big deal of some sort right out the gate.

If we’re writing a book, possibly the first chapter quickly flows out of us and shocks us to death with its profundity and wit.

If we’re acting, we get an immediate opportunity to exchange sexual favors for a supporting role in a reverse mortgage commercial.

We’re always pleasantly surprised, but we shouldn’t be because it’s just a part of the process.

Life is rewarding us for taking a step of faith and saying, “keep going.”

Without this immediate success the next part of the process would be simply unbearable. We’re getting a taste of the dream to whet our appetite and provide the motivation necessary to make it through what I call “This Part Of The Success Process Sucks Big Hairy Knuckles.”

But before we get to that, let me just say this: you may be sitting there thinking to yourself, “Wait a minute. I’ve tried things in the past and didn’t get that immediate success. What the heck? You are a LIAR, Preston. I’m going to continue to read and buy every single thing you put online, but you are a LIAR, sir.”

If that’s you then, first of all, screw you for calling me names, man – that’s messed up. But here is what happened; it’s one of two things…

1. You attempted something without first going through the inner-success process, in which case nothing you do will ever succeed.

2. You weren’t supposed to keep going. You were on the wrong track. Be grateful for that so-called failure and look for the hidden lesson.

So we’ve tasted sweet success and have arrived. “It’s going to be this easy forever,” we think.

Unbeknownst to us we have just unwittingly arrived at something akin to a Navy SEAL tryout. One hundred people show up … maybe three live to tell the story and strap on a navy snorkel for duty.

Everything up to this point has been a mere pre-screening process.

It’s like someone has handed us an MPK5 machine gun to use on a target dummy, we experience the joy of violence, and then they take the gun back and say, “Ok, see how fun that was? Now sign up for this thing over here. I know, I know – it says ‘Hell Week.’ Hahaha. Never mind that. It’s just a funny name for it. You’ll survive most likely.”

Enter the Hairy Knuckle Sucking Phase.


Have you ever sucked on a big hairy knuckle?

It. Is. Horrible.

Our job during this phase is merely to stay alive and don’t stop trying to breathe.

The ease with which our initial success came? Replaced with resistance.

We may as well be trying to bench press two planets connected together with a plutonium barbell for all we can tell. And we cannot do that in case I’m not being clear.

The initial excitement about our dream? Converted to torment.

As the reality of what it really takes to succeed in our chosen endeavor sets in and the true level of our abilities are exposed, the bliss of ignorance is promptly transformed into the pain of reality.

The ideas stop flowing.

The money stops coming.

We stop smiling.

At the climax of this apparently sick cosmic joke we hit what appears to be an invisible wall. It’s like an invisible ceiling except for all races and genders equally.

Things stop working.

What made so much sense in the beginning now seems like utter nonsense.

The things that appeared so easy are now almost unbearably difficult.

Whereas previously we were prancing freely and joyfully across a field of wheat like Laura Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie, we are now marching painfully and miserably through what appears to a mixture of boiling hot tar and quick sand.

And this, my friend, is the defining moment.

“When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you.” – Kevin Cosner, Tin Cup

What are we going to do? Are we going to keep plowing forward despite the pain and lack of results? Or are we going to quit?

Contrary to what you may be thinking, either way is equally noble depending on the circumstances. But before I explain why, let’s answer this question:

Why does the Hairy Knuckle Sucking Phase (HKSP) exist in the first place?

Why Ask Why?

I want you to start a new habit. Pretend you’re four years old, and start asking “why?” again. Ask it about everything.

There is a reason things happen. There is a reason people do and say things.

Don’t just assume the worst – or the best – out of ignorance. Ask “why?”.

Look for the reality behind things. Become a truth seeker.

Not doing this would be like going your entire adult life with a guy in a big red Tickle Me Elmo suit following you around and Russian leg sweeping you every 5 minutes and hating it but never really wondering “why is this happening?”

It’s not an exact analogy, but it’s pretty close.

If we find the motivation within us to plow through this point of no return and break through the HKSP barrier, we then enter the final phase. I call it Heaven On Planet Earth (HOPE).

HOPE is where you’ve always dreamed of being but have refused to pay the price of admission.

HOPE is what you feel deep down in your bones life is supposed to be like but can’t figure out how to make happen.

HOPE is what you were made for; so expect to be miserable until you get here.

The HOPE phase brings us back full circle to when everything was easy and exciting but with one small difference: it’s a thousand times easier and more exciting. And it doesn’t go away for a really long time.

We stop seeking for opportunities. Opportunities begin seeking us.

We cease striving for money. We may as well be printing it in our living rooms it comes so easily.

We no longer chase after people. People chase us.

(The only time it goes away is when it is time to move on to something even greater and more intimately aligned with your ultimate life’s mission. Expect to repeat the entire Success Process at that point only on a much more intense level.)

We have paid our dues and have arrived.





About the Author

Preston Ely is a successful real estate investor, information marketer, serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, life coach, and philanthropist. He has also produced a dozen home study courses & membership sites on personal development, creative wealth building, & more. nn Go to to read more & get on the track to finanical freedom today!


Self-Confidence: The Missing Millionaire Link

money“If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent Van Gogh

“I love creepy old dudes. I love that they have so much self-confidence, despite having no evidence whatsoever to back it up.” – Ke$ha, popstar

“What the heck am I doing?” I thought as I drove in to the nudist colony.

I had just finished “orientation” at what I thought was going to be a job working in a warehouse for $7 an hour. “Those positions are all full,” the guy at the front of the room informed us. “All we have left are these jobs selling vacuum cleaners for straight commission.”

As I got up to leave he started telling us a story of how he had sat in the same chair we were sitting in and how he was now driving a red BMW* and flying places. “Fine I’ll at least stay and listen,” I thought. I was only seventeen years old, and I really wanted both those things.

Next thing you know I’m driving two hours across three towns to some place called “Paradise Lakes” with a $1,700 vacuum cleaner riding shotgun. “This thing costs more than my car,” I thought to myself. “I gotta get that red Beemer.”

So I pull up to the guard gate and the first thing I notice is the guard isn’t wearing a shirt. But I can only see the upper half of his body, and I’m beginning to suspect things.

Shirtless Security: Howdy.

Me: I’m here to see Mr. and Mrs. Iforgettheirnames. I have an appointment with them at one o clock.

Shirtless Security: Ok, you’re all set. Enjoy.

“Enjoy? Enjoy what?” I wonder apprehensively.

I quickly found out as the gate swung open. Naked people. Everywhere. Not cute one’s either unfortunately.

You ever have one of those moments where you see something so absolutely horrifying and you try to look away, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t? This was one of those moments. I felt like the fabric of reality had just ripped open and I was getting a glimpse of an alternate universe that was trying to suck me in.

It turns out the owner of this particular vacuum cleaning distributorship had a sense of humor. He initiates all his new salesmen (I was seventeen) with sales calls to the local two-hour-away nudist colony.

“Screw it. I want that Beemer.” I drove up to my prospects building.

“Knock knock.”

Fully Nude Prospect: Yes?

Me: Hi, I’m here to do the demo.

Fully Nude Prospect: Where’s my free prize?

Me: It’s in my pocket. I have to do the demo first.

Fully Nude Prospect: Ok come on in.

I kid you not … I sat there in front of a fully unclothed 80 year old couple doing a vacuum demo for what seemed like 3 days. I was beginning to think it was all an elaborate conspiracy to kidnap me into the colony, but out of nowhere the lady just stood up (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit remembering this) and goes “we’ll take it.”

Me: You’ll take what?

Fully Nude Prospect: The vacuum cleaner. What else?

Me: Are you serious? It’s $1,700. This place is 500 sf.

Fully Nude Prospect: So what?

Me: It’s all tile.

Fully Nude Prospect: Do you want to sell this thing or not, son?

Long story short, she handed my $1,700 in five dollar bills and penny rolls, and, after stopping for a quick game of naked volleyball, I got the heck out of there. I repeated that process a bunch of times (thankfully not at nudist colonies), dropped out of high school, never went to college, switched from vacuum cleaners to real estate, currently drive a 7 series BMW, and I fly places.

I even had the pleasure of flipping two houses to the owner of that vacuum distributorship just a few years ago. Anyone who doesn’t think this is a true story can stalk my mom Susan Ely down on Facebook and ask her.

And I tell you THAT sick story, to say THIS …

What in the world gave me the confidence to think I could take a $1,700 vacuum — which may as well have been a million dollars as far as I was concerned back then — and sell it to anyone, let alone a naked person with no carpet?

Answer: I have absolutely no idea.

I just did it. I knew I could do it, and I did it.

Some people say the key to self-confidence is being prepared, but honestly I’ve never really prepared much. I’ve just always gone out and done the dang thing.

“Well good for you, Preston. That’s you. I’m me.” No, you’re not — not anymore. That’s the whole point of this. Study “mirror neurons.” You’re becoming me as you read. So keep reading.

When I think deeply about what has attributed to my success in life, “self-confidence, despite having no evidence whatsoever to back it up,” as skankstar Ke$ha says, seems to be the underlying factor. I’ve just always believed that I can do anything I set my mind to. A big part of it has been my utter, total and complete disregard for what any human on earth thinks about me. So “fear of failure” never entered the picture.

Maybe it was the fact that my dad used to tell me “son, you are the best” in regards to anything I happened to be doing. He must have told me that a thousand times. Did your dad tell you that? No? Well allow me to temporarily adopt you and be your daddy for a day …

You are the best, my son (daughter). There is something you were born to be the best at, and you are going to find it and be the best!

Your alternative is mediocrity, and I know you are not going to settle for that.

You’re in my world now, and no one loses in my world.

You can do it. Whatever it is you are trying to accomplish right now, I am telling you, you can do it.

How do I know this? Because I did it! And I’m nobody! I just read a bunch of books and got busy. Whoopty doo. It’s not rocket science. But you have got to believe in yourself. You have to KNOW that you are going to succeed. You have to realize that you have it in you to change your life (because you do) and make your dreams come true.

Newsflash — the people up there on stage getting the awards aren’t special; you know that right? They’re not like aliens from outer space and you’re just a mere mortal. Believing that is keeping you average. They simply had the guts to chase their dream, the willpower to stick it out through the “dues paying” period, and they believed in themselves. You’ve got to believe. You absolutely must increase your faith in what you’re capable of or you’re doomed before you even start.

I am convinced all of humanity is born with more gifts than we know. Most are born geniuses and just get de-geniused rapidly.” – Buckminster Fuller

Listen, there are two types of people in this world — people who make things happen and people who have things happen to them — people who are causes and people who are effects.

You’ve got to take control, start creating your reality, and set yourself up to win.

You have to take responsibility for your life and realize the truth. And the truth is this …

Every single person on earth was born to be great; it’s just a matter of “at what?”

There is greatness in every single person.

There is greatness in YOU.

But it’s up to you to find it, believe in it, develop it, and live it out.

And if you just can’t manage to find self-confidence no matter how hard you try? Freakin fake it.

Open up a blank Word document right now and type out “I can do it” one thousand times. I’m not kidding. Do it now. I do stuff like this all the time. Then leave a comment below to tell me how you feel.

* He left out the fact that it was a 3 series and it took him 17 years, but oh well; I got my first lesson in Convenient Detail Omission Marketing.




About the Author

Preston Ely is a successful real estate investor, information marketer, serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, life coach, and philanthropist. He has also produced a dozen home study courses & membership sites on personal development, creative wealth building, & more. nn Go to to read more & get on the track to finanical freedom today!

Spirituality, Money, And Foolish Vows Of Poverty

Copyright (c) 2013 Robert Owens-Greygrass

DollarI have been living with and around spiritually motivated people all my life. There are many thoughts and ideas as to what it means to be a spiritual person. Questions like, how do you live your life? What do you contribute? Are you at peace with how your life and the world are? If so or if not is your spiritual life connected? To money? Poverty? Most all spiritual ways practice fasting of some kind on occasions of higher focus. I am not one to want to fast from money.

Too often we are told in order to be spiritual we must be poor. You can’t be spiritual and earn lots of money. We must take vows of poverty. A fellow theater artist told me once; “when I took my vows of poverty I was very serious.” I told him, I never took a vow of poverty, I just accepted it. He laughed. I look for the humor and irony in everything I can, but that time–I didn’t mean it as a joke.

On another occasion a Native man (living on the Red Road) told me we believe if you have lots of money it will make you sick. Well I am sick, sick and tired of not having money enough to live the life we want. I have worked hard to get my life and career to a place where I am working pretty steady, yet too often I find myself broke. My wife is frustrated and worse yet, going on a family gathering in a restaurant or some other event that involves the kids, and grandkids and surprise! I have little or no money to contribute. Tired of it.

I will always practice my spiritual ways and I am truly grateful for all the peopel who taught me and helped on my journey. I keep that close in my life. I pra more intensely at times and less intensely at other times. Lately I have been hearing from many spiritually living people that, they are tired of it as well. Many people are curious about these feelings and thoughts in regards to earning money and living as a spiritual person.

I’m always curious, what is the “proper” or “right” job for a spiritual person? Many people I know are healers of some kind. Massage therapists, counselors, acupuncturists, Reiki experts, and so on. But many people, are mechanics, welders, teachers, actors, writers, etc. What MLM or other money opportunity is the right one for you, me and people who live spiritual lives?

And (this is the big one)…how much money is too much? We know what too little is…most of us have been doing that for way too long. So I think it is time to earn some money, a lot more money than I have in the past. I don’t think that will send me to Hell…it helps to not believe in hell, but you know what I mean.

When I look around at mother earth and all of life throughout the universe, I see abundance. I don’t see the earth skimping on colors for a butterfly, or water in the oceans. Humans may be having some effects on those things but I believe that is our beliefe system that is rooted in lack. Most of us believe there is just not enough to go around. Always a lack of money, food, love, resources of all kinds. And that becomes a prayer a mantra. It becomes our internal dialogue. It leads us into all manner of fear and frustration as well as the destruction of our living environments.

We have a lot to unlearn in this time. We have been bammboozled as Mr. X quoted. We have come to beieve there is not enough of anything when in fact there is more than enough of everything. We only need to tap into it, share it and be healthy about it.

So today and everyday my prayers and thougths are of gratitude and abundance. This mother earth is unconditionally abundant, she provides everything we need, and use. How can you and I tap into the abundance that is all around us? Indigenous living always had abundance. The land was free and open to whomever and whatever was needed. Today we have borders and boundaries. Regulations, permits, codes, licensure on and on that keeps us stuck in lack thinking.

There is no lack on mother earth. The universe is a safe abundant and prosperous place. So are we. Shift your thinking. Be abundant and prosperous in thoughts, feelings, actions and spiritual ways.




About the Author

Robert survived polio, divorces, poverty, addiction, a Jekyll and Hyde nightmare life and learned from it. Painful yet he survived the damage with grace and inspiration to help others. Black Belt, father, grandfather, Sundancer, a spiritual traveler with an intelligent sense of humor. He holds a PHD in life–Paid His Dues.


Part 2. Motivated People are Successful People

2635336_kyzr12hr1glzwj7h4exp09j78nblva.mediumHaving motivation and success are two things that go together.

You have to have one to have the other. The key to having good success is how much motivation you put behind it. You need to have your own ideas and goals and then find a way to follow through with them. You need to get a plan and then put it into action to make it work. There are different factors in determining how much success you have in life and what you do to get motivated.

Getting a reason to follow through with your motivation and your goals is important. You need to think about what you want and need in life. Having an inside goal is something that you can have for your own personal well being. Think about the things that you want in life and how you intend on getting them to happen for you. You need to have self-improvement and goals for yourself to make your life mean something. Putting your motivation skills to work in this area will be a huge benefit to you.

You can also use the outside influences that are around you to help get you motivated. You can use your friends and family as motivation to keep you going and to help you get to where you want to be in life. You can learn a lot from what others have been through and their stories can get you to keep your motivation going and to help you find positive things to help you throughout life.

You have to have goals set for yourself in life. You need to have this so that you can have a purpose in life. When you have a clear picture of what you want from life you will have a better idea of how to get there. Without goals, you will have nothing to motivate you to get what you want from life. You should set long-term goals as well as short-term goals to help you get where you need to be for happiness in life.

Figure out why you want to have these certain goals in your life. Think about why your goals are important and what you want to achieve with them. You may have to keep on reminding yourself that you are in need of having this goal for yourself. As long as you are determined to make things happen for you, there is hope. This is a form of motivation and with some work and some determination, you can make your goals come true and this will help you succeed in life.

Using all three of the above will give you the motivation to move on and to get where you want and need to be in life. You will feel good about what you have achieved and learn to use these skills for the other obstacles and goals that you have set aside for you in life. You will feel good each time you make one of your goals become a reality because you have used your motivation methods for success in the right way.

Give yourself discipline. You have to make yourself work hard for things that you really want in life. There is nothing in life that is really worth anything if you do not work for it. Getting a free ride will not teach you anything about motivation and where you need to be with your own personal goals and happiness in life. Follow through with the motivation methods that you have learned and you will get to where you want to be and feel good about what you have achieved along the way.

Carl Hoffman has over 20 years of sales and marketing experience and is considered an expert cook. he has many online ventures and author of countless articles on cooking, health, sales and marketing. You can visit him at Easy to Start Home Business Opportunites. Visit him also at Hoffy’s Kitchen.

Instantly Double Your Brain Power

purestock_1574r-018792.mediumThink you have an average or above average mental capacity?

Actually you have far more brain power than you can begin to imagine. You have close to, or perhaps even beyond, genius brain power potential.

The past 20 years could well be called the decade of the brain. Neuroscience now has the means of observing a healthy living brain in action. But trying to define our ultimate brain power capacity is like trying to place your finger on a globule of mercury.

The human mind is infinitely complex and subtle. And your amazing mind is no exception. Your brain contains 1,000,000,000,000 individual nerve cells (neurons). But this figure is even more astounding when you consider that each nerve cell can interact with at least as many as 100,000 other nerve cells.

Then if we calculate the potential capacity of your brain cells to make interconnections, the resulting number itself would be at least 10.5 million kilometers long.

No known person has even approached using their full brain power or mental capacity. The human brain is virtually limitless. It was once estimated we use about 10% of our mental potential. Today neuroscience has dropped that estimate to less than one percent. And even that figure seems overly optimistic!

You’ve likely heard the expression thinking cap. That slang term refers to our brain’s cerebral cortex – the cortical grey matter neuroscientists consider the source of our thinking capacity. Your cortex is actually split into two separate sides connected by a fantastically dense and complex highway of nerve fibers called the corpus collosum.

In most people, the left side of the cerebral cortex deals with logical matters — words, numbers, reasoning, and analysis. It spends a lot of time in the beta brainwave range. The right side of your cerebral cortex, on the other hand, deals with imagination, images, color, day-dreaming, visualization, and pattern recognition. It tends to focus quite a bit in the alpha brainwave range that is so highly developed in meditators.

There’s a common assumption that most people are either right-brained OR left-brained. If that was true, then we must assume that the great scientific genius Albert Einstein was left-brained — and the great creative master of photography Ansel Adams would then have been right-brained.

But was this the case? Not at all. An examination of the notebooks of Albert Einstein and Ansel Adams pokes huge holes in this common theory. In fact, Einstein credited his greatest scientific insights not to left-brain logic, but rather to his right-brain highly creative daydreaming and brain power. And Ansel Adams credited his greatest art photographs not to his right-brain artistic eye, but rather to his left-brain detailed analytical note taking.

Actually our most powerful and expansive mental activities are those using both sides of our cortex. When you describe yourself as primarily creative or intuitive (right-brained), or analytical and logical (left-brained), you are just describing the side of the cortex you have most successfully developed.

With the right nurturing, the other side of your cortex can also flourish and develop. This has the potential to double your mind power. There is a simple way to immediately refine the non-dominant side of your cortex and double your brain power. Great athletes do it. So do top executives, famous artists, and people from all walks of life who seek to excel.

If you are analytical, encourage yourself to daydream. And if you are instead predominantly creative, encourage yourself to begin to logically analyze your creative efforts. Activate your mind and ask yourself what if. And begin to pay more attention to your mental wanderings. On first reading, the above solution may seem too simple to be effective. Just give it a try, and you will be amazed at the expanded depth of your mental capacity.

The author of this article has written several books that can get you started. Go take a look, and download a free audio by the author while you’re there =>> CLICK HERE FOR A FREE MP3nnBuild Mind Power

Part 1. What is Motivation? – Everything.

2635336_kyzr12hr1glzwj7h4exp09j78nblva.mediumDo people really think that life is meant to be lived in default?

Getting up, going to work because you have to without any real motivation or joy in doing so. Do you want to regret your boring life when you are on your death bed? Or do you want to look back at a life that is so bright and wonderful it is almost blinding to look at?

What is Motivation?

Is motivation the key ingredient to getting what you want in life? In reality, motivation is an inner process that helps you to move toward your goal in definite motion, with purpose and vision. Drive and determination are two qualities necessary to experience real motivation.

Some people allow different things to motivate them. It could be your job, your marriage, your family, your income or your wealth. What is motivation to you? If you can find out what is motivates you, then you can have tap into your true self and hone in on exactly what you need to do to succeed.

Without motivation you will go nowhere in life and end up like most people, running to the movie store to rent enough movies, or to the bar on Friday to help you zone out until Monday. Let me know how many truly successful people you find at a bar?

Some people have learned what motivation is by seeking to improve themselves and creating a vision that is realistic as well as having an inner desire that outweighs the challenges.

Since motivation is a parallel to the word, “move,” lack of motivation is when your life is at a standstill. This equates to fear of failure and what keeps most people from doing anything significant in their lives.

You can tell a motivated person when you see one. They have that sparkle in their eye and they are always looking for new challenges and ways to grow. Growth is synonymous to motivation because there isn’t really a stopping point of “all right, I have done enough it is time to just sit around and do nothing.” Motivation is ongoing as you will find that successful people always have something that motivates them. They know that there motivation is what helps shape the very world that we live in.

Staying motivated is not necessarily easy, however, especially when we face obstacles or uninvited trouble that dampens our spirit. Negative thoughts and anxiety come into play and we can become unmotivated and doubtful about our future.

However, there are some people who have learned how to pick up the pieces and use their challenges as a stepping-stone to move forward. That is what makes these people successful. They view failure as a lesson in life and never see themselves as a victim.

What is Self-Motivation To You?

If you are a person who is disciplined, goal-oriented, and organized, it is quite likely that you have the skills to motivate yourself. It is possible that you have realized what motivation is and have used it to become the person that you are today.

Self-motivated people know that there is no simple solution to becoming motivated after a disappointment, but they also know that if they can beat the odds, then they will be stronger the next time another obstacle comes along.

Self-motivated individuals realize that their thoughts are what control their emotions. Learning how to nurture their thoughts into a positive outcome helps them to pull themselves together and keep focused on their long-term goals instead of the temporary situation that is plaguing them.

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health who has helped people from all across the country sky-rocket their health and well-being. 

Series on Motivation.

2635336_kyzr12hr1glzwj7h4exp09j78nblva.mediumI’ll be posting an informative and highly motivational series on Motivation.  I think is an important subject matter, especially today, when many are feeling disillusioned with the state of the economy & personal progress resulting in the lack the motivation necessary to get through the day….through life.

What is motivation?

Motivation is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal-directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological one that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. For example, hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat. Motivation is the purpose or psychological cause of an action.

Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas. Motivation may be rooted in a basic impulse to optimize well-being, minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can also originate from specific physical needs such as eating, sleeping or resting, and sex.
Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner. “It’s the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day.” These inner conditions such as wishes, desires, goals, activate to move in a particular direction in behavior.

So, stay tuned for the series to help motivate you to reach the next level of success in your life.
